Choosing the right material is extremely important to obtain a quality product and wood is at the top of the list.

In recent years, the choice has focused on resinous essences, in particular Russian pine wood, a lightweight, delicate and bright type of wood that suits any type of finish and which is more resistant to woodworm attacks.
We can, however, supply other types of wood such as Toulipier, Nordic pine and Fir/Spruce.
We pay the highest attention to the materials we use in our production cycle selecting only certified and quality products while respecting the environment.


We care deeply about reducing waste as much as possible and we make sure that ours is always disposed safely. We are also committed to gradually replace all solvents based paints with water based paints as we believe that all of us have the moral obligation to make a small contribution to preserve the environment.


The manufacturing process requires many steps of artisan handcrafting to produce world class picture frame moulding.



Production begins in our sawmill, here the rough wooden boards are cut off to obtain blocks of the desired size, which usually coincides with that of the final height of the shape.
 We then move onto the optimization phase with the elimination of knots, resin, and any defects and imperfections that may be present. The obtained pieces are first glued to reach the desired length and then laminated to obtain the width of the final profile.



These first steps are extremely important to the product’s final result. 
Each laminated board is subject to two strict quality checks and only the perfectly glued, straight and smooth ones will move onto the milling step, where despite undergoing very strong pressures and twists, the obtained profiles will be absolutely stable and straight, ready to be worked and turned into mouldings.



Milled profiles can be plastered with gesso and/or decorated with wood pulp.
 The decoration is obtained by a machine on which a cylinder with the engraved decoration is mounted.
The cylinder presses onto the profile a compound called wood pulp, which once dried becomes solid and it has a texture very similar to wood.
Next the mouldings are manually refined using blades and sanding paper, this step removes all the imperfections that could compromise the successful completion of the spraying and gilding phases.



Depending on the final finishing the mouldings are prepared with a further sanding process using a sanding machine and then coated by spraying machines.



Here we start the gilding phase, where our skilled artisans show all of the mastery, the beauty and peculiarity of our work.
 The process is extremely delicate due to the volatility of the applied sheets and therefore many different techniques are required to create many decorative variants.



Gilded mouldings are now ready to go to the finishing department where they are treated with colors, molds, pigments, waxes and other materials to create the different finishes, both antique and modern.
 At this stage artistry makes the difference, every gesture or movement is repeated thousands of times a day and the end result is always the same: a work of art!